Classes begin Thursday, September 26th 2024, 5:45-7:15pm on Zoom
Is medical education an important focus of your career? If you are a faculty member, do you anticipate getting promoted at HMS on the Teaching and Educational Leadership pathway? Do you want to produce high quality scholarship in medical education, but don’t yet have the research skills? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” the Shapiro Institute Education Research group is delighted to invite applications for our two-year Medical Education Scholarship Program to support your professional development as a medical educator and education researcher. The program runs from September through late May each year (no classes June - August). Program attendees will receive certificates of completion in June.
What Will I Learn?
■ Conduct an efficient review of the literature
■ Navigate the institutional approval process
■ Incorporate theory into your research
■ Utilize the Delphi process to conduct consensus research
■ Combine qualitative and quantitative methods
■ Analyze mixed methods data
■ Develop and evaluate curricula
■ Write a scholarly paper on medical education
Who is eligible to apply?
BIDMC faculty, fellows, and residents are all eligible to apply. We will select candidates to achieve roughly equal representation across training levels (resident/fellow/faculty) and departments. Your application will take less than 15 minutes to complete.
Because this program is offered over a 2-year period, we have an “A-Series” (9/2023-6/2024) followed by a “B-Series” (9/2024-5/2025) to distinguish the two years. Applicants who are new to the program can start with the B-Series this year and plan to take the A-Series in the following year (2025-2026). Anyone who has already participated in the A-Series (2023-2024) will be automatically accepted into the B-Series (2024-2025) program; however, we ask that all returning students complete the application to confirm their participation.
Time Commitment
Sessions are held via Zoom on Thursdays from 5:45-7:15pm, beginning September 26th, 2024 and ending May 22, 2025; please see specific dates below. Participants will be expected to devote approximately 2 hours per week to the program, including the 90-minute class on alternate weeks.
Can I participate in only one part of the program?
Yes. Applicants can apply either to the full 2-year program or sign up for individual modules (for example, applicants can choose to only select and attend Modules 1 and 3). Certificates of completion will be offered for the full program or for individual modules.
Program content and schedule
Applications due by August 30th, 2024
Click HERE to Apply

Amy Sullivan, EdD