Statement of Commitment
BIDMC recognizes that medical education is a continuum marked at various stages by the degree of Doctor of Medicine, completion of an accredited graduate medical education (GME) program, and subsequently, a continuing life-long interest in professional self-improvement and education.
With respect to GME specifically, BIDMC is committed to providing the appropriate resources to assure the highest quality of training.

Educational Resources
BIDMC provides a teaching environment where resident physicians interact with a diverse group of other learners and teachers. This group includes, and is not limited to, medical students, nursing students, graduate students and Harvard Medical School faculty.
​Innovative educational tools and the most up-to-date medical technologies are available for BIDMC trainees as they care for our diverse patient population and conduct research, in both the clinical and basic sciences.
Financial Resources
All residents are compensated and receive fringe benefits including health insurance, disability insurance and professional liability insurance. They are also eligible to enroll, at their discretion, in other group benefits programs offered by the medical center. Learn more about benefits and other resources available at BIDMC.
​Every department receives financial resources from the medical center to support educational endeavors.
Human Resources
BIDMC offers a vibrant environment with some of the world’s most accomplished physicians and researchers. The GME team is committed to supporting staff and implementing policies.
Core Values
BIDMC is committed to helping all its employees, staff, physicians and contractors act in a way that fosters and preserves the trust and respect of those whom we serve and with whom we deal. In keeping with this, BIDMC has an obligation to its patients, community, employees and payers to achieve its mission and provide service of the highest quality.
The core values listed below embody our mission and philosophy. These values only have meaning through action and behavior. Listed below are examples of how you can incorporate these values into your daily work life.
Live the mission and core values
Keep promises
Be viewed by self and others as ethical and trustworthy
Show consistency between your words and actions
Maintain privacy and confidentiality
Treat patients and each other with dignity, kindness and significance
Introduce yourself, be welcoming, call people by name
Answer questions, respond to requests or find someone who can
Value people's time
Honor religious beliefs and cultural practices
Communicate with sensitivity
Take the time to listen carefully without rushing
Keep people informed about plans, progress and delays
Apologize when necessary
Take accountability for excellence, both as an individual and as part of a team
Commit to high standards, do not accept mediocrity
Strive to exceed your colleagues' and patients' expectations
Don't wait for others to fix problems
Provide service of the highest quality to patients, customers and colleagues
Work as a team, because excellence is usually the result of team effort, not individual heroics
Take responsibility for the stewardship of resources
The resources we have are entrusted to us by our community; use them wisely
Respect the organization's and patient's property
Look for cost saving opportunities
Practice culturally sensitive care with patients and their families
Support community partnerships - they are critical to our success