Foundations in Clinical Trials - Foundations in Medical Education - Foundations in AI & Digital Education
The Shapiro Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is seeking applications for our three courses, Foundations in Clinical Trials, Foundations in Medical Education and Foundations in Artificial Intelligence & Digital Education. These courses are designed to provide participants with the core knowledge and strategies to initiate a career in their respective fields. The courses are targeted at residents, fellows, and faculty who are looking to obtain a strong foundational base.
All applications are due July 1 of each year
Foundations in Medical Education
The Foundations in Medical Education faculty development course is designed to provide participants with the core knowledge and strategies to initiate a career as a teacher and educator. It is targeted at early career faculty as well as experienced physicians who are looking to take on a more formal role in the education of medical students, residents and/or fellows.
Foundations in Clinical Trials
This research development course is designed to provide participants with the core knowledge and strategies to initiate a career as an investigator in clinical research with a specific focus on clinical trials. The course is targeted at residents, fellows, and faculty who are looking to obtain a strong foundational base in the conduction of clinical trials research.
Foundations in Artificial Intelligence & Digital Education
This faculty development course is designed to provide participants with the a deeper understanding of the psychology that underlies performance and how it can be applied in medicine and, in particular, medical training. It is targeted at early career faculty as well as experienced physicians who are looking to understand the psychology that underlies decision-making and how that impacts physician performance and related outcomes in medicine, with the goal to then teach and use these skills with their learners.
Foundations in Performance Mindset in Medicine
This faculty development course is designed to provide participants with the a deeper understanding of the psychology that underlies performance and how it can be applied in medicine and, in particular, medical training. It is targeted at early career faculty as well as experienced physicians who are looking to understand the psychology that underlies decision-making and how that impacts physician performance and related outcomes in medicine, with the goal to then teach and use these skills with their learners.