K. Meredith Atkins, MD
Director, Undergraduate Medical Education
Katharyn Meredith Atkins, MD is an obstetrician-gynecologist and educator at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. She is the Associate Director of the Shapiro Institute for Education and Research, Director of Undergraduate Medical Education at BIDMC and the BIDMC site Director for Harvard Medical School’s Principal Clinical Experience, BIDMC’s longitudinal clinical clerkship curriculum. She teaches residents in the Resident-as-Teacher Program at BIDMC Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency and lectures on topics including “Giving Effective Feedback,” “Tools for Teaching in the Ambulatory Setting,” and “Teaching Surgical Skills.” She also teaches in Harvard Medical School’s introduction to clinical skills course called “Practice of Medicine,” and instructs students in performing the pelvic exam. Dr. Atkins is a 2011 graduate of the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics’ Scholars and Leaders Program and a 2013 graduate of Harvard Medical School’s Academy Fellowship for Medical Education.