Association of American Colleges (AAMC) Research in Medical Education (RIME)
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Learn Serve Lead 2023: The AAMC Annual Meeting
November 3-7, 2023 in Seattle, Washington.
Conference website:
Not updated yet
Association of the Colleges of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
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March 7-10, 2024 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida
Conference website:
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Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
New date:
August 26-30, 2023 at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK
Conference website:
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium
New date:
November 11-15, 2023 in New Orleans, LA
Conference website:
International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH)
Save the Date:
January 20-24, 2024 in San Diego, CA
Conference website:
Not updated yet
About the Organizations
Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
Research in Medical Education (RIME)
The Research in Medical Education (RIME) conference takes place at the annual Association of American Medical College Meeting (AAMC) meeting. AAMC RIME offer submission for research papers, oral abstracts, and posters.
Association of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
The 2023 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Annual Educational Conference will return to in-person events. The upcoming year’s conference content will include sessions covering such topics as ACGME accreditation and initiatives; preparing residents/fellows for practice; successful strategies to achieve best practices; diversity, equity, and inclusion; professional development; well-being; crisis management; assessment; and other impactful and forward-thinking learning initiatives and subjects. [From ACGME website]
International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)
The mission of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is to advance health profession education through teacher development and to ensure that the teaching and learning of medical science continues to be firmly grounded in foundational sciences and the best practices of teaching. [From IAMSE website]
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) is a worldwide organization with members in 90 countries on five continents. Members include teachers, educators, researchers, administrators, curriculum developers, deans, assessors, students and trainees in medicine and the healthcare professions. AMEE promotes international excellence in education in the healthcare professions across the continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. [From AMEE website]
Northeastern Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA)
The mission of the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) is to advance medical education and medical educators through faculty development, curriculum development, educational research, and assessment in undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education. The Northeaster Group of Educational Affairs (NEGEA) is one of four regional groups of the AAMC’s Group on Educational Affairs (GEA). Its purpose is to promote excellence in the education of medical students, residents and physicians through the professional development of medical educators. [From GEA and NGEA websites]
Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
The Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) has a section on Innovations in Medical Education (IME), which submissions showcase innovative scholarly activities in medical education that are currently in progress or that have been completed. The hallmark of an innovation is that the idea is new and meets an important need in medical education. Projects for submission include, among others, the development, implementation, or evaluation of innovative courses, curricula, assessments, simulations, virtual patients, resources, web-based tools, or interdisciplinary collaborations. Unlike scientific abstracts, IME submissions are not required to have complete evaluation data but should include a discussion of proposed qualitative or quantitative metrics. Submissions with evaluation data, whether qualitative or quantitative, may receive higher ratings. Submissions should include enough information about the intervention for session attendees to evaluate feasibility of the innovation at their institution. IME sessions are designed to stimulate collaboration and creative thinking among meeting attendees. [From SGIM website]
American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
AMIA Annual Conference
AMIA aims to lead the way in transforming health care through trusted science, education, and the practice of informatics. AMIA connects a broad community of professionals and students interested in informatics. It is the bridge for knowledge and collaboration across a continuum, from basic and applied research to the consumer and public health arenas. Through education, training, accreditation and certification, AMIA supports the current and next generation of informatics professionals by:
Providing members opportunities to grow professionally, no matter what their career level or discipline.
Fostering collaboration and networking to support members’ work to improve people’s lives.
Expanding members’ leadership opportunities within the association and in the field.
[From AMIA website]
AMIA Informatics Educators Forum: Scholarship, Leadership, and Professional Advancement
The mission of the Academic Forum is to promote equitable and better health outcomes by supporting academic member programs to advance professionalism through excellence in biomedical and health informatics education, research, and practice. The AMIA Academic Forum invites all AMIA 2022 Annual Symposium attendees to attend the 2022 Linking Informatics and Education Academic Forum (November 7-8, 2022). LIEAF will offer attendees an opportunity to learn state-of-the-art methodologies and best practices in education, research and training. [From AMIA website]
International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH)
]The purpose of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare is to serve a global community of practice enhancing the quality of healthcare. The International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) is a scientific conference that explores the latest innovations and best practices in healthcare simulation. IMSH provides the tools and resources healthcare professionals need to advance their skills, impact change in delivery systems and practice, and ultimately, to improve patient safety. [From IMSH website]
AAMC Integrating Quality (IQ)
Integrating Quality (IQ) mission is to lead and support AAMC members in achieving safe, high-quality, high-value health care that is driven by continuous quality improvement implemented throughout inter-professional education and clinical practice. An annual event, the Integrating Quality Conference, brings the academic medicine community together while other opportunities exist to learn, engage, and foster care and educational transformation. Integrating Quality Conference is the professional development event for clinical and educational leaders, faculty, educators, trainees, and students from across the health professions in academic medicine who are advancing quality, patient safety, and value innovations. [From AMCC IQ Website]