Academy Member Responsibilities
The mission of the BIDMC Academy is to enhance and foster the academic development of healthcare professionals throughout the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Community. Below are the requirements for membership.
Requirement for prospective membership: (i.e., under consideration for membership): faculty, fellows, PGY3+ residents, and all other healthcare professionals must participate in a minimum number of Academy-only activities or services within a single academic year. The requirements are 6 hours for faculty and 3 hours for PGY3+ trainees and other healthcare professionals.
Requirement for continued membership: Must participate in a minimum of 6 hours HMS-associated professional development activities every academic year, of which 1 hour/year must be a BIDMC Academy activity.
Examples of BIDMC Academy activities (hours of credit in parentheses) include:
BI Academy Annual Fall Retreat (3 hours)
Monthly professional development sessions (1.0-1.5 hours)
Master Teacher observation (2 hours)
Peer observation of teaching (2 hours)
1-on-1 consultation (1 hour)
Curriculum Vitae consult (1 hour)
Leading any of the above (1-3 hours, depending on the activity)
HMS-associated professional development activities are defined as HMS, HMS-affiliate or BIDMC “teaching about teaching” or “learning about teaching” activities. These include:
Attending an HMS Academy event, activity, or symposium (e.g., medical education grand rounds)
Leading or attending a BIDMC department-based faculty development program
Presenting a poster at HMS Medical Education Day
Please note that all activities must be local with the purpose to enhance teaching excellence. Not counted are CME courses, talks, or conferences directed at clinical topics, regional or national faculty development activities associated with academic societies, HMS Academy Interest Group meetings, or clinical teaching or mentoring of medical students, resident, fellows, or faculty.